In 1990 approves the Law of Healthcare of Catalonia (LOSC), which introduces fundamental changes to the setting of the Catalan health, the separation between the functions of purchase and provision of services, as well as the consecration of mixed model of management. With it, establishes the rules of a certain market control, with competition between the suppliers, public and private, for the award and purchase of services. This situation actually existing in Catalonia in the hospital since the creation of the PHN (Public Hospital Network) extends, as a possibility, in the field of primary care. Based on this, the Group SAGESSA so far involved in the management of hospitals and acute care centers with specific experience of a medical center with attention continues to Salou, in operation since 1990, chose to the granting of the first Basic Health area of the Catalan Health Service offer in the new management mode.
The Basic Health Area (ABS) of Vandellos-Hospitalet began operating in December 1991 and comprises the Group SAGESSA; ABS was the first Catalan Health Service is not maintained by the Catalan Institute of Health and therefore, the first in the whole of Spain with this type of management.
Ctra. Mora, 15-18, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain 43890