Sagessa Salut ABS Reus V

Reus, Spain 0 Recommendations    

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About Sagessa Salut ABS Reus V

ABS Reus V since its inception (December 2000) directs its services to provide the best assistance to the population, following a line of teamwork and full integration into the community. The demand for care center stays high levels, given this fact, the internal management of the center is organized to take this demand, reinforced by the care and attention spontaneous emphasizing aspects of health promotion and prevention consultations scheduled monitoring and control most prevalent diseases and vaccination activities and screening of risk factors.

We emphasize community care, which is an activity which, through workshops and specific programs aimed at specific groups of population, has achieved excellent results in the assessment both by our users and for professionals. Among those is the School Health Program aimed at five schools in the area, with very good acceptance.

Following the methodology of Continuous Improvement of Quality, this year the Town has continued to work in process management, prioritizing opportunities for improvement.

The training team is responsible for detecting the needs of professionals, set up training for them and inform them of the activities carried out outside the center, in order to achieve objectives.

The center offers undergraduate students of medicine, nursing, social work and administrative FP2.

Our professionals participating in several scientific meetings and conferences, both as organizers and speakers.

Payment Modes

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Demand Draft
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Electronic Transfer
  • Cashless Insurance


  • English
  • Spanish

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  • JCI


    Joint Commission International (JCI)


C. Astorga, s/n, Reus, Catalonia, Spain 43205

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