About Pordenone Hospital
The Hospital "Santa Maria degli Angeli" in Pordenone is characterized as acute care hospital with a high level of technology and service with a high level of organizational complexity, characterized by an acute care hospital stays getting shorter and integrated, according to predefined protocols.
Addresses business development point to the following general objectives:
- lead to excellence functions now carried out, ensuring the satisfaction of customer requests wide area of Pordenone and the Friuli Venezia Giulia;
- maintaining at and develop the attractiveness to other regions;
- strengthen the policy of development of professional resources and enhancement of the potential of staff, promoting models of organizational responsibility in the hands of the nursing profession;
- start experimental models of management based on the separation of functions of diagnosis and care and shelter and assistance functions;
- develop quality experiences with systematic features, as shown in regional and in line with the models defined at European level;
- ensure a relationship of communication with citizens, with local authorities and with social organizations, developing measures to improve the perceived quality.
Payment Modes
- Cash
- Cheque
- Demand Draft
- Credit/Debit Card
- Electronic Transfer
- Cashless Insurance