Leger Clinic (Bioplasty clinic)

São Paulo, Brazil 0 Recommendations    

  • ISO 9001:2008  ISO 9001:2008

About Leger Clinic (Bioplasty clinic)

Since 2010, our plant in São Paulo is approaching the technique of Bioplasty of the Paulista people. This clinic is a part of the three units in the Leger works with a team of qualified professionals. The Clinic Leger in São Paulo operates with an emphasis on bioplastia also providing a Laser Treatments Medical Center with permanent equipment in the clinic. We have a multidisciplinary team with dermatologists, technicians and physiotherapists.

The bioplasty in Sao Paulo is a liquid infiltrating implantation technique that may be performed with various types of materials. These, in turn, are classified as autologous or heterologous, which can be synthetic, natural or mixed.

The choice of the product to be used in Bioplasty in São Paulo will depend on the desired objective, the anatomical region that will receive the implant and experience of the responsible professional. We will focus PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate), the compound used in different concentrations in different areas of the human body.

Payment Modes

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Demand Draft
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Electronic Transfer
  • Cashless Insurance


  • English
  • Portuguese

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  • ISO 9001:2008

    ISO 9001:2008

    ISO 9001:2008 Certification


Alameda Maracatins, 1435, conj. 206/207. Moema, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

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