Hospital 9 de Julho

São Paulo, Brazil 0 Recommendations    

  • JCI  JCI

About Hospital 9 de Julho

Encourage professional development and dissemination of scientific knowledge. These are the main objectives of the Hospital of the Center 9 Julh the, civil society, scientific, non-profit, integrated by health professionals. Your target audience are doctors, nurses, technicians, assistants, pharmacists, and other hospital employees.

In addition to organizing and supporting internal events and ex suits - such as symposia, conferences and meetings - the Study Centre also develops and monitors scientific and clinical research in the hospital. To stay updated on the events, just follow our Scientific Program

In a comfortable environment for study and meeting professionals have provided two classrooms for up to 30 people and a room for care practices (laboratory) equipped with dummy. Computers with free internet access, printer to, Xerox machine and digital camera for scientific documentation complete the structure, which includes a coffee machine and fridge.

In Study Centre can consult and to borrow books, magazines and CDs of the collection. Another feature is access through the hospital computers to specialized sites such as UpToDate and Medicine Net.

The center also rovides financial aid for the production of visual teaching material (as slides or posters) used in workshops and conferences, publishing articles and scientific Job garlic, employee participation in events, scientific meetings, courses and conferences. Those interested should consult the sponsorship rules and fill out a registration form.

Payment Modes

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Demand Draft
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Electronic Transfer
  • Cashless Insurance


  • English
  • Portuguese

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  • JCI


    Joint Commission International (JCI)



Rua Peixoto Gomide, 625 Cerqueira Cesar, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 01409-002

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